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Radio France internationale, généralement désignée par son sigle RFI, est une radio publique française qui diffuse à Paris et partout dans le monde. Avec 35,6 millions d'auditeurs en 2008, c'est l'une des stations de radio internationales les plus écoutées au monde, avec BBC World Service, Voice of America, et la Deutsche Welle.

RFI émet 24h/24 dans le monde entier en français et 12 autres langues, en FM, en ondes courtes et en ondes moyennes, sur le câble, sur Worldspace et sur

La radio est une filiale à 100 % de l'organisme public regroupant l’audiovisuel extérieur de la France « France Médias Monde », depuis 2008

Radio France Internationale (RFI) was created in 1975 as part of Radio France by the Government of France, and replaced the Poste Colonial(created in 1931), Paris Mondial (1938), Radio Paris (1939), RTF Radio Paris (1945) and ORTF Radio Paris (1965). In 1986 the French Parliament changed the law to allow RFI to operate independently of Radio France.

RFI operates under the auspices and primary budget of the French Minister of Foreign Affairs. It broadcasts primarily in French, but also in English,Kiswahili, Hausa, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Persian, Chinese, Vietnamese and Cambodian. It also owns Radio Monte Carlo-Middle East, which produces Arabic programmes in Paris, and airs them from a transmitter in Cyprus to audiences across the Middle East and North Africa.


Radio | Transitions: 346 | Added by: , | Date: 2013-11-29

The Nobel Prize in Literature 1902 was awarded to Theodor Mommsen "the greatest living master of the art of historical writing, with special reference to his monumental work, A history of Rome".

Christian Matthias Theodor Mommsen (30 November 1817 – 1 November 1903) was a German classical scholar, historian, jurist, journalist,politician, archaeologist and writer generally regarded as one of the greatest classicists of the 19th century. His work regarding Roman history is still of fundamental importance for contemporary research. He received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1902, and was also a prominent German politician, as a member of the Prussian and German parliaments. His works on Roman law and on the law of obligations had a significant impact on the German civil code (BGB).

Literature | Transitions: 471 | Added by: , | Date: 2013-12-02 

eBay Inc. isan American multinational internet consumer-to-consumer corporation, headquartered in San Jose, California. It was founded in 1995, and became a notable successstory of the dot-com 
bubble; it is now a multi-billion dollar business 
with operations localized in over thirty countries The company manages, an online auction and shopping website in which people and businesses buy and 
sell a broad variety of goods and services worldwide. In addition to its 
auction-style sellings, the website has since expanded to include "Buy It 
Now" standard shopping; shopping by UPC, ISBN, or other kind of SKU (via; online classified advertisements (via Kijiji or eBay 
Classifieds); online event ticket trading (via StubHub); online money transfers (via PayPal) and 
other services.
Ads | Transitions: 305 | Added by: , | Date: 2013-11-29

Triviador e un joc de cultură generală rapid și palpitant, cu trei jucători, ce conține elemente importante de strategie. Jocurile Triviador, numite "Aventuri” sunt plasate într-un decor classic, la joncțiunea erei Medievale și a erei Marilor Explorări ale lumii, totul jucat pe o hartă a lumii, împărțită în 15 teritorii.

Victoria revine jucătorului cu cel mai multe puncte – câștigate prin bătălii de cunoștințe și viteză, în trei.  Provocarea constă în întrebări cu variante de răspuns sau întrebări pronostic, cu răspunbs numeric, care acoperă o gamă largă de subiecte ca istorie, divertisment, stiință, sport și tot felul de cunoștințe generale. 
IQ contests | Transitions: 325 | Added by: , | Date: 2013-11-29

Here you will find vast amounts of free high quality astrological information. This site has been designed to be, informative, easy to use, extremely in-depth in scope, and rich in content. All the astrology information, love horoscopes and daily horoscopes are FREE. No need to join, give out email etc etc, it's free like the internet was intended to be from the start. They serve to tell us whether your lessons learned in life, will be relatively easy or somewhat difficult to learn. The patterns of the aspects in your birthchart indicate the way you are prone to react to many of the events of life, either in a good or bad way.  Even without having your time of birth known, there is still a quite a bit of information that is available to you.  The distinctive nature and personality of any of the the seven primary planet aspects is sort of like the relationship between two different people.
Astrology | Transitions: 775 | Added by: , | Date: 2013-11-29